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GRI standard title Disclosure number Disclosure title Response/References Page numbers
Economic Performance 201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed   We describe our economic value in our 2022 Integrated Report. Pages 22, 32-35
Economic Performance 201-2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change We describe the opportunities and risks of climate change in our 2022 Integrated Report, our 2022 Climate Report and on our Environmental strategy webpage. Pages 7, 29; pages 1-52
Economic Performance 201-3 Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans Our employee benefits are outlined in our 2022 Integrated Report and on our Careers website. Page 25
Economic Performance 201-4 Financial assistance received from government We do not track tax benefits across its different business units.
Market Presence 202-1 Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage  Our lowest wage paid to a regular fulltime employee in 2020 was $15 per hour. Federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour.   
Market Presence 202-2 Proportion of senior management hired from the local community
Indirect Economic Impacts 203-1 Infrastructure investments and services supported We are investing in our power delivery system, as described in our 2022 Integrated Report Pages 6, 9
Indirect Economic Impacts 203-2 Significant indirect economic impacts We are helping fuel growth in our Gulf region, as described in our 2022 Integrated Report. Pages 3, 6-9
Procurement Practices 204-1 Proportion of spending on local suppliers  Our spending with both local and diverse suppliers is detailed on our Supply chain sustainability webpage and in our 2022 Integrated Report. Pages 15-16
Availability and Reliability DMA EU Supp: Management approach to ensure short and long term electricity availability Our management approach is outlined in our 2022 Integrated Report Pages 3-9 
Demand-side Management DMA EU Supp: Demand side management programs include residential, commercial, institutional,and industrial programs Many tools to help customers save energy and money are available on our Energy efficiency webpage.
Research and Development DMA EU Supp: Research and development activity and expenditure aimed at providing reliable electricity We are investing in our power delivery system, as described in our 2022 Integrated Report Pages 6-9
Plant Decommissioning DMA EU Supp: Provisions for decommissioning of nuclear power sites Palisades Power Plant was shut down permanently by Entergy on May 20, 2022, after providing safe and reliable electricity to southwest Michigan for more than 50 years. In June of 2022, Palisades was purchased by Holtec International for purposes of a safe and timely decommissioning of the site. More information is available here.
System Efficiency   EU Supp: Average generation efficiency of thermal plants, and average transmission and distribution losses as percentage of total energy In 2022, the transmission loss factor is approximately 1.2% and the distribution loss factor is approximately 4.7%. Our transmission and distribution loss factors are weighted averages of the Entergy Operating Companies’ energy loss factors. The transmission energy loss factors have been weighted based on transmission line miles and the distribution energy loss factors represent the primary service voltage loss factors weighted based on energy usage.
Breaches DMA We maintain an ethics and compliance program, including its Code of Entegrity. The Code outlines key company policies and provides the ethical standards of behavior expected of all employees. We expect every Entergy employee to know and follow the Code. The Code and underlying policies are not the only parts of the ethics and compliance program. We have codes of business conduct for temporary workers and suppliers. We provide education for our employees on various ethics and compliance topics. We also identify applicable laws and risks of non-compliance and then decrease those risks through preventive and detective measures and corrective action. Entergy did not experience any material breaches of the Code of Entegrity, including anti-corruption and bribery policies, during 2022. We consider a breach to be material if the action would result in a material impact on the financial results of a registrant. This is publically reported on our Values and ethics webpage (see the next-to-last paragraph).