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Disclosure number

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Page numbers

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Name of the organization

Entergy Corporation

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Activities, brands, products, and services

Entergy Corporation (NYSE: ETR) is an integrated energy company engaged primarily in electric power production and retail distribution operations.

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Location of headquarters

New Orleans, Louisiana, United States of America.

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Location of operations

Our utility business provides electric retail and wholesale power to 3 million customers in four states through five utility operating companies: Entergy Arkansas, LLC; Entergy Louisiana, LLC; Entergy Mississippi, LLC; Entergy New Orleans, LLC; and Entergy Texas, Inc. We also deliver natural gas services to 200,000 customers in New Orleans and parts of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, through two of our utility operating companies.

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Ownership and legal form

Entergy Corporation is a Fortune 500, investor-owned company.

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General Disclosures


Markets served

Our service area is described on our About Entergy web page.

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General Disclosures


Scale of the organization

The scale of our organization is provided in "Entergy by the Numbers" in our 2023 Performance Report.

Page 13

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General Disclosures


Information on employees and other workers

Information about our employees and contractors can be found on our performance data table and in our 2023 Performance Report.

Pages 24-27, 34

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General Disclosures


Supply chain

Detailed information on our supply chain is available on our website and also in our 2023 Performance Report.

Page 34

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General Disclosures


Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain

Updates on our supply chain can be found on our website and in our 2023 Performance Report.

Page 34

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General Disclosures


Precautionary Principle or approach

Our approach to risk management is outlined in our Risk Management Strategy.

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General Disclosures


External initiatives

Information on advocacy and political partnerships is provided in the 2023 Advocacy and political contributions report found on our Governance web page.

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Membership of associations

Information on advocacy and political partnerships is provided in the 2023 Advocacy and political contributions report found on our Governance web page.

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Statement from senior decision-maker

Chair of the board and CEO Drew Marsh's letter to stakeholders is included in our 2023 Performance Report.

Pages 4-6

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Key impacts, risks, and opportunities

Our material issues are outlined in our Material Topics document and our approach to risk management is outlined in our Risk Management Strategy.

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior

Our values are shared in our Code of Entegrity and our 2023 Performance Report.

Pages 1-40 Pages 38-39

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics

Our Ethics Line is available to all stakeholders at 1-888-257-ETHIC (1-888-257-3844) as noted in our Code of Entegrity.

Page 12

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Governance structure

Information on our corporate governance practices is available on our Governance web page. For the Principles of Corporate Governance and the Board Committee Charters, see our Corporate Governance Guidelines.

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General Disclosures


Delegating authority

Our corporate governance committee is responsible for oversight of the company's sustainability program and strategy, policies and practices as described in our 2023 Performance Report.

Pages 38-39

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Executive-level responsibility for economic, environmental, and social topics

Our board of directors has oversight of all economic, environmental and social issues, as outlined in our 2024 Proxy Statement and our 2023 Performance Report.

Pages 21-39; pages 38-39

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Consulting stakeholders on economic, environmental, and social topics

Our stakeholder engagement process is outlined on our Stakeholder engagement web page.

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Composition of the highest governance body and its committees

Our board of directors and committees are described in our 2024 Proxy Statement and our 2023 Performance Report.

Pages 21-39; pages 9-39

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Chair of the highest governance body

Drew Marsh is Entergy's chair and CEO as described on our About Entergy web page.

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General Disclosures


Nominating and selecting the highest governance body

Our nomination and selection process for our board of directors is outlined in our 2024 Proxy Statement.

Pages 9-11, 20-21

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Conflicts of interest

Our Code of Entegrity specifically includes instructions on all conflicts of interest.

Pages 23-26

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Role of highest governance body in setting purpose, values, and strategy

The role of our board of directors is described in our 2024 Proxy Statement and our 2023 Performance Report.

Pages 18-20; pages 22, 39

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Collective knowledge of highest governance body

The collective knowledge of our board of directors is outlined in our 2024 Proxy Statement and 2023 Performance Report.

Page 16-19; pages 21, 39

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Evaluating the highest governance body’s performance

The process of performance evaluation of our board of directors is outlined is outlined in our 2024 Proxy Statement.

Page 9-11, 20-25

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Identifying and managing economic, environmental, and social impacts

Our material issues are outlined in our Material Topics document on our website.

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Effectiveness of risk management processes

Our risk management strategy overview is available in our Risk Management Strategy.

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Review of economic, environmental, and social topics

Our economic, environmental and social topics are reviewed annually in our 2023 Performance Report.


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General Disclosures


Highest governance body’s role in sustainability reporting

Our governance committee has oversight of sustainability strategy as described in our 2023 Performance Report.

Page 39

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General Disclosures


Communicating critical concerns

Our Ethics Line is available to all stakeholders at 1-888-257-ETHIC (1-888-257-3844) as noted in our Code of Entegrity.

Page 12

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General Disclosures


Nature and total number of critical concerns

Our opportunities and risks are outlined in our Risk Management Strategy and our 2023 Performance Report.


GRI 102

General Disclosures


Remuneration policies

Policies and processes for executive compensation/remuneration are outlined in our annual SEC Form 10-K.

Pages 488-496

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Process for determining remuneration

Policies and processes for executive compensation/remuneration are outlined in our annual SEC Form 10-K.

Pages 488-496

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Stakeholders’ involvement in remuneration

Policies and processes for executive compensation/remuneration are outlined in our annual SEC Form 10-K.

Pages 488-496

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Annual total compensation ratio

Policies and processes for executive compensation/remuneration are outlined in our annual SEC Form 10-K.

Pages 488-496

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Percentage increase in annual total compensation ratio

Policies and processes for executive compensation/remuneration are outlined in our annual SEC Form 10-K.

Pages 488-496

GRI 102

General Disclosures


List of stakeholder groups

Our key stakeholders are identified as customers, employees, communities and owners on our Stakeholder engagement web page and in our 2023 Performance Report.

Page 12

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Collective bargaining agreements

25.49% of Entergy employees are represented by bargaining units, as shared in our performance data table.

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Identifying and selecting stakeholders

Our key stakeholders are identified as customers, employees, communities and owners on our Stakeholder engagement web page and in our 2023 Performance Report.

Page 12

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Approach to stakeholder engagement

Our approach to stakeholder engagement is described on our Stakeholder engagement web page and in our 2023 Performance Report.

Pages 10, 17

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Key topics and concerns raised

Our approach to stakeholder engagement is described on our Stakeholder engagement web page.

Pages 10, 17

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Our approach to stakeholder engagement is described on our Stakeholder engagement web page.

Pages 10, 17

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Defining report content and topic boundaries

The content and boundaries are described in the "About this report" section of our 2023 Performance Report.

Page 11

GRI 102

General Disclosures


List of material topics

Our material topics are outlined in our Material Topics document.

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Restatements of information

Restatements and the reasons for restatements are provided throughout our sustainability disclosures as needed. Our ESG disclosures can be accessed on our ESG disclosures web page.

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Changes in reporting

We published an update to our 2050 net-zero commitment in our 2022 Climate Report. We also adopted an ESG disclosures controls and procedures policy, which can be found on our ESG disclosures web page.

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Reporting period

Our sustainability reporting is conducted annually based on the previous year's data.

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Date of most recent report

Our 2023 Performance Report was published in March 2024.

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Reporting cycle

Our sustainability reporting is conducted annually based on the previous year's data.

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Contact point for questions regarding the report

Questions and feedback can be provided at

GRI 102

General Disclosures


Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards

Our 2023 reporting is in accordance with the GRI standards, including the Electric Utility Sector Supplement, as outlined in our 2023 Performance Report.

Page 10

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General Disclosures


GRI content index

Our Global Reporting Initiative index is available on our ESG disclosures web page.

GRI 102

General Disclosures


External assurance

Our external assurance is available on our ESG disclosures web page.

GRI 103

Management Approach


Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary

Our boundary for reporting is described in our 2023 Performance Report. Our material topics are described in our Material Topics document on our website.

Page 10

GRI 103

Management Approach


The management approach and its components

Our management approach is described in our Material Topics document and our 2023 Performance Report.

Pages 7-10

GRI 103

Management Approach


Evaluation of the management approach

Our Material Issues Verification Statement is available on our ESG disclosures web page.